Associate Professor Gender Peace and Security, Georgetown University
School of Foreign Service
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Select Journal Articles
“Human Rights and Building Peace: Case of Pakistani Madrasas,” The International Journal of Human Rights, 2011, Vol. 15 No.7 (with Mohammed Abu Nimer), 2011
“Religion and Mediation” Journal of International Negotiation Vol. 14 (with Jacob Bercovitch) 2009
"Muslim Peace Building Actors in Africa and the Balkans” Peace and Change Vol. 33, No. 4 (October) (with Mohammed Abu-Nimer) 2008
“Living Walls: Among Muslims Peace Takes on its Own Distinct Forms” Harvard Divinity Bulletin Vol. 35, No.4 (Autumn) 2007
“Religion, Violence and the Islamic Tradition of Nonviolence” in Turkish Yearbook of International Relations No. 34 Ankara University 2003
“Exploring the Relevance and Contribution of Mediation to Peace Building” Peace and Conflict Studies. (Fall) Vol. 9 No. 2 (with Jacob Bercovitch) 2002
Conflict Management and Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Importance of Capturing the Right Moment” in Asia-Pacific Review Vol.9. No. 2 (November) (with Jacob Bercovitch), 2002
Religion and Mediation Toolkit United States Institute of Peace (In Progress)
“Understanding an Islamic Framework for Peacebuilding, Islamic Relief Worldwide (Birmingham, UK) working paper series no. 2013-02 (with Abu-Nimer M. & Mohamed-Saleem A.) (2013)
Faith-Based Peace-Building: Mapping and Analysis of Christian, Muslim and Multi-Faith Actors” Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ in cooperation with Salam Institute for Peace and Justice, Washington DC (with Mohammed Abu-Nimer and Tsjeard Bouta) (2005)
Peace and Conflict Resolution in Islam: An Agenda for Research and Dialogue” In The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies And Research, Occasional paper (with Abdul Aziz Said and Nathan Funk (2005)
Encyclopedic Entries
Do no Harm as a Code of Action in The Sage Encyclopedia of Political Behavior Fathali Mogaddam Eds. (2017)
“Muslim Women and Interfaith-Dialogue” Oxford University Encyclopedia for Women and Islam Edited by Natana DeLong-Bas. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press (2013)
“Muslim Women and Peace Building” Oxford University Encyclopedia for Women and Islam. Edited by Natana DeLong-Bas. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press (2013)