Associate Professor Gender Peace and Security, Georgetown University
School of Foreign Service
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Select Courses and Syllabi
Georgetown University
Cyber-Peace: Computer Science and Digital Technologies for Peacebuilding and Democracy
Women’s Empowerment in Global South
Women’s Empowerment in the Middle East and North Africa
Evaluation and Conflict Resolution
Women Peace and Security
Gender, International Security and Development
Conflict Resolution Theory
Gender, Peace, and Security (Undergraduate Course)
Women, Peace, and Security (Undergraduate Course)
Gender and Conflict Resolution
Development and Conflict Resolution
Culture and Conflict Resolution
American University
Peace Paradigms
Introduction to Peace and Conflict Resolution (Undergraduate course)
Culture and Conflict Resolution: Alternatives to Violence
Religion and International Politics
Religion and Peacemaking
Islamic Peace Paradigms
Islamic Sources of Conflict Resolution
George Mason University
Conflict Assessment and Program Evaluation
Chulalaongkorn Univeristy
From Theory to Practice: Trends and Trajectories at the Peace, Conflict, Security and Development Nexus
Tel Aviv University
Religion and Peacemaking: Jewish and Islamic Perspectives
Bar Ilan University
Religion and Peacemaking: Jewish and Islamic Perspectives
Claremont Lincoln University
Negotiating Moral Conflict (online course)