Associate Professor Gender Peace and Security, Georgetown University
School of Foreign Service
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Selected Evaluation Experience
United Religions Initiative, Evaluative Assessment, Senior Evaluator
CRS Evaluation of A3B Project, Mindanao Philippines, Team Leader
USAID/CMM Annual Program Statement Portfolio: Israel/West Bank/Gaza Field Evaluation (Prepared for USAID/Social Impact) Israel/ West Bank, Senior Evaluation Specialist
Field Assessment for Interfaith Relations and Civic Education Programs in N’Djamena, Chad, Conflict Specialist
Specialist, Field Assessment of Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution Capacity in Nyala, El-Fasher and Geneina, Darfur Sudan
Evaluation of Madrasa Reform Project, Pakistan (Prepared for International Center for Religion and Diplomacy and the Smith Richardson Foundation), Evaluation Specialist
Mapping and Analyzing Muslim Peace Building Actors in Africa and the Balkans, (Prepared for and Presented to the Foreign Ministry of Netherlands), Conflict Specialist
Assessment of Social and Environmental Impact of Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan Pipeline Project, Turkey (Prepared for Center for International Environmental Law), Fellow