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Selected Facilitation and Training Experience


 “The Role of Religion in the Resolution of Identity Conflicts: Theory and Practice” for the La Direccion General de Cultos del Govierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina (


"Gender and Conflict Resolution"  HASNA Washington DC 


 “Countering Violent Extremism Workshop for Civil Society” USIP Hedayah Center Abu Dhabi, UAE 



 “Peacebuilding and Non-violence in Islam” for NGO’s working with Muslims in UK at Initiatives of Change


“Engaging Religious Actors in Development  Programming Training Series” USAID, Washington DC


 “Training of Trainers for Iraqi Facilitators on Advanced Religion and Peace Building Skills” Istanbul, Turkey

“Facilitation Training for Iraqi Women Facilitators” Erbil Iraq 


“Conflict Analysis Training” for Professors and Students from 3 Universities in Nyala, Darfur, Sudan (May)


 “Conflict Resolution and Peace Building in Islam” For Muslim Leaders" Salam Institute and  National Peace Foundation 


 “Indigenous Conflict Resolution” Workshop Organized by the Canadian Government, Guatemala 


 “Women and Peace Building in Islam” For Iraqi Women organized by State Department Washington DC


"Islamic Sources of Conflict Resolution Imam Training program” for Imams and Muslim Community Leaders organized by Salam Institute for Peace and Justice and Islamic Society of North America  


“Conflict Resolution and Peace Education Workshop” For Israeli and Palestinian Teachers Organized by Perez Center, Tel Aviv, Israel and USIP 


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