Associate Professor Gender Peace and Security, Georgetown University
School of Foreign Service
Heading 4
Evaluation and Research Reports
Report on the Conference on Religion, Gender and Countering Violent extremism submitted to British Council
Evaluation Report Binding, Bonding, Bridging: Applying the 3B’s To Land Conflict in Mindanao (A3B to Land Conflict) Project, submitted to Catholic Relief Services. (2015)
Ottoman Presidency? Wikistrat Report
“Evaluative Learning Review: Field Study USAID/West Bank Gaza People-to-People Reconciliation Annual Program Statement Grants” in Evaluative Learning Review Synthesis Report: USAID/CMM’s People-to-People Reconciliation Fund, Annual Program Statement (APS) USAID/ Social Impact (with Ned Lazarus, Maya Kahanoff, and Fakhira Hallun) at (2014)
“First Assessment Report for Chad: ADJR Interfaith Conference Preparation and ISESCO Civic Education Curriculum Development with an Emphasis on Peace and Tolerance” Salam Institute (with Mohammed Abu-Nimer) (2010)
“Conflict Analysis Workshop and Capacity Building Assessment in Darfur Sudan” Salam Institute (with Mohammed Abu-Nimer) (2010)
“Comprehensive Evaluation Report of ICRD’s Madrasa Reform Project” Salam Institute, Washington DC (2008)
“Muslim Delegation to Iran Report” Salam Institute Washington DC (2007)
“Implementing Approaches to Improved Quality of Islamic Education in Developing Nations” Creative Associates International, Inc. (with Abdalla, Abu Nimer, Nasser, el-Kilani and Kunkle) (2006)
“Muslim Peacebuilding Actors in Africa and the Balkans” Salam Institute Washington D.C. (with Mohammed Abu-Nimer) (2005)
“Comments to the IFC: Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan Pipeline” for Center for International Environmental Law (with Marcos Orellana) (2004)