Associate Professor Gender Peace and Security, Georgetown University
School of Foreign Service
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Books and Edited Series
Religion Matters- On the Significance of Religion in Global Issues Book Series (co-edited with Christine Schliesser and Pauline Kollontai), Taylor Francis/Rutledge
Religion and Mediation Action Guide United States Institute of Peace (with Tarek Maasserani) 2021
On the Significance of Religion in Conflict and Conflict Resolution First Book in the Religion Matters Book Series (co-edited with Christine Schliesser and Pauline Kollontai), Taylor Francis/Rutledge, 2021 (open access)
Standing on an Isthmus: Islamic Approaches to War and Peace in Palestine, Lexington Books, 2007
Anthology on Islam and Peace and Conflict Resolution: Precept and Practice, (co-authored with Abdul Aziz Said and Nathan Funk, eds.), University Press of America, 2001
Select Book Chapters
“Religion and Mediation: Strange Bedfellows or Natural Allies” in The Handbook of Mediation: Theory, Research and Practice Alexia Georgakopoulos eds Taylor& Francis/Routledge (2017)
“Turkish Mediation in Somalia for Peace and Stability” in Turkey As a Mediator Doga Ulas Eralp eds. Lexington Books, Lanham Maryland. (2016)
“Muslim Women’s Peace Initiatives” in Women, Religion and Peacebuilding: Illuminating the Unseen Susan Hayward and Katherine Marshall eds. USIP press (2015)
“Justpeace Building and the Muslim World” Oxford University Press Handbook on Religion and Peacebuilding Scott Appleby and J. P. Lederach eds. Oxford University Press (2015)
Muslim Women Building Peace: Challenges and Opportunities” in Women, Islam and Peace Building Ed. Yasmin Sakia at Arizona State University, Tempe Arizona
“Muslim Women’s Peacebuilding Initiatives” Women, Religion, and Peace: Exploring Experience, Probing Complexity Susan Hayward and Katherine Marshall eds. USIP press (Washington DC) (2015)
“Elysee Treaty and Lessons for the Middle East” in Lessons for Others? International Perspectives on the Franco-German Relationship 50 Years after the Elysee Treaty Brooking Institution Press (2014)
“Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Building” The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Inter-Religious Dialogue Catherine Cornille eds. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. (2013)
“Peace and Violence in Islam” in Religious Peacebuilding and World Peace: Religious Capacities for Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding Roland Czada, Thomas Held, Markus Weingardt eds. Nomos Publications (This Publication is translated into German and the chapter is translated into German) (2012)
Exodus in the Quran” in Freedom Journeys: The Tale of Exodus and Wilderness Across Millennia Rabbi Arthur O. Waskow and Rabbi Phyllis O. Berman eds. Jewish Lights Publishing (2011)
“Ethno-Religious Conflicts: Exploring the Role of Religion in Conflict Resolution” in The SAGE Handbook of Conflict Resolution, eds., J. Bercovitch, V. Kremenyuk, and I. W. Zartman, SAGE, London, pp. 264-280 (2009)
“Muslim Perspectives on War and Peace” in Peace-Building by, between, and beyond Muslims and Evangelical Christians, edited by Mohammed Abu-Nimer and David Augsberger Lexington Books (2009)
“Islamic Tradition of Nonviolence: A Hermeneutical Approach” In Identity, Morality, and Threat: Towards a Theory of Identity-based Conflict Daniel Rothbart and Karina Korostelina eds. Lexington Books (2007)