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Books and Edited Series

Select Book Chapters
  • Religion and Mediation: Strange Bedfellows or Natural Allies” in The Handbook of Mediation: Theory, Research and Practice Alexia Georgakopoulos eds Taylor& Francis/Routledge (2017)

  • “Turkish Mediation in Somalia for Peace and Stability” in Turkey As a Mediator Doga Ulas Eralp eds. Lexington Books, Lanham Maryland. (2016)

  • “Muslim Women’s Peace Initiatives” in Women, Religion and Peacebuilding: Illuminating the Unseen Susan Hayward and Katherine Marshall eds. USIP press (2015)

  • “Justpeace Building and the Muslim World” Oxford University Press Handbook on Religion and Peacebuilding Scott Appleby and J. P. Lederach eds. Oxford University Press (2015)


  • Muslim Women Building Peace: Challenges and Opportunities” in Women, Islam and Peace Building Ed. Yasmin Sakia at Arizona State University, Tempe Arizona

  • “Muslim Women’s Peacebuilding Initiatives” Women, Religion, and Peace: Exploring Experience, Probing Complexity Susan Hayward and Katherine Marshall eds. USIP press (Washington DC) (2015)

  • “Elysee Treaty and Lessons for the Middle East” in Lessons for Others? International Perspectives on the Franco-German Relationship 50 Years after the Elysee Treaty Brooking Institution Press (2014)


  • “Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Building” The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Inter-Religious Dialogue Catherine Cornille eds. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. (2013)

  • “Peace and Violence in Islam” in Religious Peacebuilding and World Peace: Religious Capacities for Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding Roland Czada, Thomas Held, Markus Weingardt eds. Nomos Publications (This Publication is translated into German and the chapter is translated into German) (2012)

  • Exodus in the Quran” in Freedom Journeys: The Tale of Exodus and Wilderness Across Millennia Rabbi Arthur O. Waskow and Rabbi Phyllis O. Berman eds. Jewish Lights Publishing (2011)

  • “Ethno-Religious Conflicts: Exploring the Role of Religion in Conflict Resolution” in The SAGE Handbook of Conflict Resolution, eds., J. Bercovitch, V. Kremenyuk, and I. W. Zartman, SAGE, London, pp. 264-280 (2009)

  • “Muslim Perspectives on War and Peace” in Peace-Building by, between, and beyond Muslims and Evangelical Christians, edited by Mohammed Abu-Nimer and David Augsberger Lexington Books (2009)

  • “Islamic Tradition of Nonviolence:  A Hermeneutical Approach” In Identity, Morality, and Threat: Towards a Theory of Identity-based Conflict Daniel Rothbart and Karina Korostelina eds. Lexington Books (2007)

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